Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My Top 10 Favorite Anime's

To start off my blog page I felt it would only be right to put up my Top 10 Need To Watch Animes. If your an anime watcher and you haven't watched these then get on it because your slacking!! Believe this list was very hard to make. Because there are soooo many Great!! Animes to choose from but I had to choose only 10, sadly. So here we go: (if you dont know the animes im talking about do your research)

#10 Bleach: Of course I have to start with Bleach. I was actually a huge fan of bleach until it betrayed me!! -___-. Yes Bleach betrayed me. After months of watching and reading it got unbearably slow to the point that I couldn't take it anymore, and I caved. I didn't have the man power to take it anymore but because of all the hours and memories it gave me it come in at #10 on my list.

#9 Samurai Champloo:  Being the epitome of style and sway intertwined into one, with the talent of the great samurai era. It definitely is a must see. The anime it self is not to long but after it was done I was definitely mad cuz I wanted to see more.  The music is beautifully animated into the show by the one and only RZA from WU-TANG and the Nu-Jabes (underground hip hop getup on it) you already know I was diggin this hard. S/O to my friend Brittany this is her show she will rep this to the fullest lol

#8 SoulEater: Oh shyt my show has finally arrived!! I actually just finished watching this anime last month, and yes it was a great experience from beginning to end!!! OMG !!! YES Black Star you see him at the top of the page for a reason. This anime in one word would have to be Beast!! And it is nothing but. The reason it comes in at #8 is because the ending was wack. OMG it was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO wack I was mad. But I cant front I will rep this to the death of me. SoulEater is a beast anime and can be put into some bouts. SoulEater has some contenders early(inside joke for those who know me)

#7 DragonBallZ: As soon as you see these two men you already know the deal. Possibly the most feared men in all of anime. I only know of one anime that can beat them and thats only because of some cosmic shyt that is basically cheating. But, I digress, lol Everyone knows the deal when it comes to DBZ young and old. I don't know one person that doesn't know what a KA-ME-HA-ME-HA is. NOT ONE!!! I'm telling you follow that up with some yelling you'll blow katz away... BOOM!!! All you will see is dust... Dragonballz basically transformed the world for kidz. It is kung-fu in cartoon form that shyted on power rangers. Goku will fuck Tommy up! Shyt Goku will fuck Tommy's whole team up with megazords smh. Everyone knows what DBZ is .. DBZ is so old it was out when Sailor Moon was new lol. But yeah with the new generations coming DBZ came back with a triumphant return in Dragonballz Kai which is a summarized version of DBZ. In other word its not 5 episodes of yelling. lol But still an awesome anime and will always be the best of the best.

#6 Code Geass: This anime will make you think. Lelouche the greatest strategist to exist.(in animation) This man destroyed armies,based upon the game of chess, he plays his cards right. The thought process in this anime is beautiful. It kept me on the edge of my seat until it finished. Literally. Granted it does get very confusing at the end however, if your looking for a good anime to stimulate your mind than this is the anime for you.

#5 Full Metal Alchemist:
Roy Motha Fucking Mustang!! Any of you who know this man know exactly why I said his name like that. This man is a Monster... A MONSTER PEOPLE!!! The things he does in this anime make you respect him. And he isn't even the main character "Damn Shame". Full Metal is a great anime its funny, great story line and gives a good message watch if you haven't.

#4 Gurren Lagann: One of the baddest women in the game for anime right now. Yoko from Gurren Lagann is soo sexi. She bad. But Gurren Lagann instantly became one of my favorite animes. While I was watching it I was instantly able to relate too one of the characters. The pride,passion, and the will to "pierce through the heavens" loved every minute. Remember when I said only one anime can contend with DBZ on a power level. Welp; this is the one, the only known anime that can fight the DBZ universe and literally eat them alive. No contest... Gurren Lagann ...stand up!!

#3 Avatar The Last Air Bender: Beastly anime, one word Saka!! This man made the anime for me. His sarcastic humor was a great touch to Nickelodeons first attempt to make an American anime. Which was a great success. They made an awesome anime with an amazing story line. This anime made me laugh, it didn't make me cry but it also had some sad parts(you know when you feel it in your throat, you don't wanna cry so you just hold it right in your throat)there was drama, and lastly it has aspects of a love story too which is always good. {PSA: JUST FOR THE RECORD THE REAL LIFE MOVIE DID NOT DO IT JUSTICE DONT WATCH THE MOVIE WATCH THE ANIME ITS SOO MUCH BETTER!!! THAT IS ALL}

#2 One Piece: Finally we have come to the Pirate King, this was a hard fight between number 1 and 2 OMG!! This anime just makes me happy. Yes, I know that sounds weird to some of you but it does. It just make me happy. Everything about this anime is great. Cartoon Network took a L(Lose) when they stopped playing this show. Nothing about One Piece is bad. NOT ONE THING!!! Do I sound like im dick riding this show? Maybe... maybe not but, still this show is that good. It took me all summer to become a believer. And yes if your not watching with a strong resolve/ or conviction it will take you a longggg ass time to catch up but it is worth it. Sooo worth it.

#1 Naruto: Of Course number one is going to be Naruto!! Stop acting like y'all didn't know. This show is the SHYT!!! It is the number one anime in America and I believe Japan.(don't quote me) This anime is an elite. Enough said. You already know whats it is. I cant talk about Naruto with out giving some part of the story away so im just gonna leave it to this. If your not watching Naruto your a pawn! PAWN!!!!!


Thomas Stewart said...

im feelin the list. Dragon Ball z is always a favorite Vegeta is that dude. Souleater is beast,Avatar no brainer, and just got into Gurren Lagann and Im feelin it

The Animated Soul said...


Brittany D. said...

I'm diggin the list dude. Thanks 4 the shout out!! Damn Rite!!! Samurai Champloo is one of mi favorite animes :D<ching!!! The Avatar pic is the hottest pic out of the rest..totally awesome, absolutely love it!!!....but really? Gurren Laggan against DBZ? i beg to differ smh i mean one of these animes can go against something else. idk wat but something else
One Piece, ehh....man that anime is maadd long..i mean idk if its worth watchin, im still iffy on that 1 bub :/

The Animated Soul said...

Ifs off gurren lagann will eat dbz litterally brittany you dont know you just dont know finish gurren lagann then come holla real talk ...i didnt believ it either then i seen it with my own eyes

Anonymous said...

I agree with your list dude. I never really like dbz like that b/c it was boring to me & plus I didn't like to see ppl fight but when I sat down one day w/ my brother and watched it, I was so hype! I was like, 'omg, did you see that ragnol? He just did a kamehameha!!!' xD :D & plus I had a mean crush on gohan, goku, & trunks. I couldn't stand vegeta. 9th place for samurai champloo isn't bad I agree that it's in my top 10 favorite animes too. Like, I watched it about 3 times from episode 1. It's one of those animes that I kno I'll never get tired of. You gotta love mugen & jin. Yes, bleach did get tiring at one point. I forgot what chapters made me lose interests but there wasa time where I stopped readin it for a month. I think it was before the aizen & ichigo fight. All I remember that got me back into bleach is when gin stole that thingy from aizen. I really wasn't expecting that. Oh, full metal alchemist is the shit too but I lost interests. Yes, I love roy mustang. He's one of my many anime husbands lmao Omg code geass is the shit!! :D I gotta thank andrew for puttin me on to it. I used to think it was silly. I never like the dubbed version. When I watched it last summer (finished both seasons in 2 weeks), I wanted more. I was very very sad w/ da ending. This anime is also one that I'll never get tired of watching. Definitely in my top 10. Omg, naruto..don't get me started bryce lolz to keep it short, all I gotta say is that masashi kishimoto is a genius :D the story line is amazing!! Soul eater..I never got da chance to watch it. Um, gurren lagan, I'm still tryin for finish. Omar's forcing me to finish it lolz he said the same thing you said. That it's better than dbz. Yea, avatar is an amazing anime. It just draws you in.

OMFG dammit bryce you should have put down one piece as #1!! But yea, I can't blame ya. When you have two of the best animes/manga ever created, it's often hard to choose. I HATED one piece..thanks to 4Kids -_- but last summer, omar & andrew really convinced me to watch it. And man, was I drawn in!! The story's amazing. The characters are funny, especially luffy. He's so gullable, yet talented. What makes me like one piece the most is each character's background stories. The one that really touch me the most is robin's story. Omfg, bryce, I cried a river in front of omar. I couldn't stop crying for 10 minutes. I had to pause the episode to the point where I couldn't see the subtitles lolz I asked omar to hug me & he did hahaha. I thought nami's was bad but nah, robin had it really hard. I'm a very emotional person. One piece pretty much just have all these elements that makes viewers be on their toes. Can you believe it though that I catched up to four hundred and something episodes within two weeks? Ugh, I can go in more details but ima stop lolz

Anonymous said...

Omar speaking... for the most part I guess you did a good job on the list but if you are looking at anime in its entirety for beginning to end/current it's meh for example I could see soul eater or bleach getting swapped out for a detective conan...

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