Saturday, April 16, 2011


So this weekend was really interesting, and the sad part is it is only saturday, but I guess I let my pride and anger take over my common mind, then comes the alcohol. which is never a good choice. Don't get me wrong I felt like getting my Social network on (blogging while angry and drinking) but i decided to just chill with some friends and take my frustration to the face. But thats the sad part of my weekend. Funny enough if you take about a good 5 shots to the face while chasing it with liquor you'll find a reason to smile even through your sorrow. Thats the funny part. But does that make me pathetic, a drunker, or weak. I couldn't tell you. But now that it think about it i would say all three. Pathetic to not just man up and brush it off like i usually do everything else, pathetic to go stra8 to a poison that gives a illusion of a better feeling, but its actually worse, and hurting my body slowly at the same time... Damn!... and in that same gives me the title of a drunker. Now this is weakness in my eyes. to admit im weak is the first step i guess right? But its not that im emotionally weak its that I guess im mentally weak.. Wow bold statement... But i guess its true. If i wasnt i wouldnt do the things i do. which can easily be disputed whether it can be labeled strength but i digress... Life has its highs and lows and with every storm theres a sunshine around the corner ... All words of encouragement through hard times non give comfort if your not technically sad ... i guess the best term to describe my feelings toward this whole situation is im still standing... so can i call that strength???


Puff-A-Fluff said...

wow thats deep....
Sadness flies on the wings of the morning and out of the heart of darkness comes the light. ~Jean Giraudoux
Be strong,everybody has their weak points or feels a certain way about themselves. You're not alone even if it feels like it. I would know.
Ask yourself this:
Did you smile today?
if you can manage to smile on a bad day
Things will eventually be okay

Ashley said...

This is so inspiring. I guess thats really all that matters in the end, the fact that your still standing. loved it.

The Animated Soul said...

Thanx Ashly thats really all you can do you know? But im glad you like my blog def keep reading :) hope i can keep inspiring and entertaining you :)

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